1) Talking to Your Child about Covid-19
Open School BC has a great link with tips for talking to your child about Covid-19. It also has resources for further information.
Click on the following link, and then click on "Keeping Healthy"
Open School BC
2) When the Virus Came
A social story to help you talk to your kids about Covid-19. Written by Lauri Bayly, a counsellor in SD61.
When the Virus Came - Social Story
3) Tips for Home Learning
A document put out by POPEY (Provincial Outreach Program for the Early Years). It has some great tips for setting up schedules and other considerations for learning at home.
Tips for Home Learning from POPEY
4) Coronavirus - A Book for Children
An online book to read with your child to help talk about Covid-19.
Open School BC has a great link with tips for talking to your child about Covid-19. It also has resources for further information.
Click on the following link, and then click on "Keeping Healthy"
Open School BC
2) When the Virus Came
A social story to help you talk to your kids about Covid-19. Written by Lauri Bayly, a counsellor in SD61.
When the Virus Came - Social Story
3) Tips for Home Learning
A document put out by POPEY (Provincial Outreach Program for the Early Years). It has some great tips for setting up schedules and other considerations for learning at home.
Tips for Home Learning from POPEY
4) Coronavirus - A Book for Children
An online book to read with your child to help talk about Covid-19.