1) Kenzen Sports Karate - This local Victoria man provides daily karate workouts on youtube.
2) P.E. With Joe - He has a new workout everyday. Look for the "P.E. with Joe" Playlists.
3) GoNoodle - We use this in the classroom on rainy days for movement activities. If you are looking for a "calming" activity check out the "Flow" channel.
4) Cosmic Kids Yoga - a youtube channel dedicated to yoga for kids.
5) Mr. Marta's Fitness Challenge #1 - The Big 50
6) Mr. Marta's Fitness Challenge #2 - The EMOM
7) Mr. Marta's Fitness Challenge #3 - Death By Burpees
8) Jumpstart: Play from Home - Lots of Activities to keep kids active at home. Click on the tabs for "outdoor activities" and "indoor activities" for more links!
9) Mr. Marta's Fitness Challenge #4
10) Mr. Marta's Fitness Challenge #5 - Owen's 12 Days of Fitness
11) YMCA Virtual Gym Activities for Kids
12) Mr. Marta's Fitness Challenge #6
13) Mr. Marta's Fitness Challenge #7
14) Mr. Marta's Fitness Challenge #8
15) Mr. Marta's Fitness Challenge #9 - Around the World