
May 4 - May 8: Suggested Activities

May 4 - May 8: Level 2 - Suggested Activities

If you feel like you can tackle level two this week, here are some suggested activities.
* This work should take between 60 - 80 minutes per day.
* Please spread this work out over multiple days, or even spread it out over different times of the day if that works for you. 
* If it is taking longer, and your child is stressed, please don’t push it. You judge what they can do.

*Please be kind to yourself.
There is absolutely no expectation from us
to complete everything (or anything!)*

If you did not finish last weeks suggested activities, please do those first.
This week's activities assume that you already have the skills from last week.

Science : NEW THIS WEEK!
1) The Birthday Experiment!
We decided to do a science experiment to celebrate Mr. Marta's birthday. Your child
can watch the video to see what happens. If your child would like to try it at home,
there MUST be adult supervision, as it includes fire.
If you and your child try it at home, please send us a note/video/photo showing
us what you found out!
Science - The Birthday Experiment

1. Please have your child read a “just-right” (book at their level) book
for 20 minutes each day.
* Depending on your child they could read silently, or out loud to you
or someone else in your home.

2. Some time during the week have them write down one book they read
this week and tell us something about the book.
Take a photo of this writing and email it to their teacher.

3. NEW THIS WEEK: Story Time!
On Thursday at 11:00 AM we are going to try to do a ZOOM storytime.
We will send out the invitation in a separate email titled "Zoom Storytime".
This is an optional activity of course.
During storytime at school we often have the children make predictions,
make connections, and ask questions during a read aloud. This is an
opportunity for us to keep practicing this.
Both classes will be invited to the same storytime, so if you're missing
someone in the other class this is a time when you can see them!

1. This week we will continue with the Social Studies/Writing project.
a. Look at the link for the assignment
Social Studies - Saskatchewan - Instructions and Links
If you have access to a printer, please print the sheet out for your
child to fill in. If not, please just write it on a paper for them.
(I tried to keep it fairly basic)
b. If your child finishes this activity. Please take a photo of both sides
of the paper and email it to your child’s teacher

2. Encourage your child to continue writing to us. We love hearing about
what they are doing!
* Some students are writing emails to us, and others are writing on paper
and their parents are taking a photo of it and emailing it to us.
You do what works for you.

3. If your child still has time for creative writing, have them keep up with our
daily write. This is where they can write anything they want. Please send us
photos of their writing!
If you're stuck and don't know what to write, please watch the video we made
last week Writer's Block - Are you stuck?

1. Finish one copy  of the “All the Facts” math sheet we put in your packages.
*ONLY ONE - we included 12 sheets to cover multiple weeks! ONE PER WEEK!
Please mark this for your child. If they get it wrong circle it, and if the number is
reversed underline it. Then have them make the corrections.
This may seem easy for your child... this is a GOOD THING! These are all the
facts they need to know to do more difficult math. It is important to do this weekly
to keep the facts fresh in their heads.

2. NEW THIS WEEK! - Complete the 2-digit addition review sheet.
Now that we are done teaching this skill it is important for each child to
practice it every week so the skill stays with them.
Math: 2 digit addition practice for May 4 - May 8

3. We have made a series of youtube videos of us teaching math
for this week.

Our thought was that they could do one video each day this week.
The videos, build on previous skills. If you haven't watched the others
please watch them first.
Keeping in mind there is no pressure from us to do any of this.

If you choose to do this activity please do the following:

Day 1 - Watch “Math - Subtract Ten - Lesson"
Math - Subtract Ten - Lesson
At the end there are questions for your child to do on their own.

Day 2 - Watch “Math - Subtract Ten - Answers"
Math - Subtract Ten - Answers
Your child can check their work here.

Day 3 - Watch “Math - Fact Families - Lesson”
Math - Fact Families - Lesson
At the end there are questions for your child to do on their own.

Day 4 - Watch “Math - Fact Families - Answers”
Math - Fact Families - Answers
Your child can check their work here.

* If possible take a picture of your child’s “on your own” questions and email
them to your teacher.

If your child is struggling, re-watch the videos, and provide them with your own
questions for more practice.

Physical and Social/Emotional Wellness

Please choose from the activities below if you would like a fitness activity.

* Mr. Marta has filmed a fitness challenge this week. If you are up for a challenge,
watch this video, and workout with Mr. Marta Fitness Challenge #4

* Please look at the Physical Education links on the website.
If the fitness challenge isn’t for you, or you’ve already finished it, try some of the
other activities linked on this page.

* So many students are telling us about their walks and hikes when they write to us.
This is a terrific way to get some fresh air, be active, and get a change of scenery.
This could be your physical activity for the day!

At the end of the week have your child write down one physical activity they did
this week, and then a few details about it. Email it to their teacher.